The Mix 3/4
Simple stupid bundler for libraries.
Using rollup.
🔗 npm/ screen split library
Small library to enable space splitting in a web interface.
Might be useful for internal applications or development oriented content.
🔗 https://split.js.orgUppy file uploader
Is this the new "best in class" for file uploader?
It supports lots of "uploaders", configurable XHR, S3...
File can come from webcam, drag-n-drop or from "providers" like google-drive, instagram.
🔗 https://uppy.ioCompliance is the key
Rule: They say that all electronic equipment must be secured.
RFC 863
There is an RFC called "discard protocol...
And obviously there is an implementation.
🔗 on images on the web
Just about everything you need to know about images.
And be sure to use to test.
🔗 https://images.guideLodash sucks
Lodash sucks
hehe... clickbait.
But yes, I mean it when you plan to use it in the browser.
How to be blocked from updating your password
Achievement unlocked: being blocked because of non compliant current password